The Daily Huddle and Why it’s So Great for Your Team’s Success

3 min readMar 30, 2022

Daily huddle? If you’re scratching your head about what this is, you’re not alone. Quick, focused daily team meetings, the daily huddle or standup meeting provides the chance for everyone to sync up and get on track with one another and what’s going on that day. Through a brief, structured agenda that can include check-in questions, they help to create and understand priorities and share information.

When you meet briefly this often, you’ll see better alignment, productivity, performance, engagement and communication among your team members. More specifically, here are some key benefits to holding daily huddles.

Benefits of Daily Huddles

Avoid wasted time, miscommunication and needless meetings

When you huddle daily, it won’t take long to see far less need for additional meetings you’re either holding already or tend to hold ad hoc. Why? You’ll have already covered your most pressing items each day at your huddles, in front of as many eyes and ears as necessary. This means more productivity and efficiency in less time at those extra meetings. Plus, communicating key information more frequently means faster response times and the ability to pivot faster and simpler than you were before. All of this can result in your team reaching more goals and success, overall.

Enjoy fewer interruptions and smoother days

It only makes sense that when the whole team is available for a brief time every day, you’ll accomplish and communicate more and more broadly. In turn, you’ll be interrupted far less throughout the day than you otherwise would. Whether that normally means chat messages, emails, phone calls, video, audio or in-person conversations, or ad hoc meetings, there’s a very good chance that, instead, your next huddle is a great time and space to address whatever it is.

Create greater cohesion, connection and collaboration

The more your team huddles, the more chance they have to truly understand, get to know and trust each other. It’s inevitable for some personal tidbits to mix with business talk, so personal connections will grow over time — all the better for a stronger, more efficient and connected team. This is even more impactful for those with fairly independent roles, as they may attend very few meetings over the course of their week. Plus, the broader the company reach is with your daily huddles, the better interdepartmental communication, processes and outcomes you’ll achieve, overall.

Cut out and correct misinformation

As humans, we tend to believe we make sense and our communication and instructions are totally clear, all the time or close to it. Well, we’re often wrong. It’s perfectly normal for all of us to understand and take things in differently. The great opportunity with daily huddles is when you check in with team members so frequently, you can spot and nip these possible misunderstandings in the bud before they evolve into larger issues and time sucks.




Resources & info on daily standups, checkins, & OKRs for technical teams.